Spring Tips for Your Best Lawn Yet..

FeaturedImage-Lighten2Spring care for your lawn is just as important as your fall maintenance. There are some steps you should take to ensure that your lawn is the pride of the neighborhood.


300x193_organic_lawn-150x150Yes again, raking is the best way to remove thatch from your lawn which may have built up over the winter or the previous season. With a heavy snow cover like we had this year it is best practice to rake and remove dead grass or thatch to protect the lawn from developing a disease such as snow mold. Raking can also get any stray wet, soggy piles of leaves that could cause harm to the lawn…plus it feels great to get out in the yard after such a long winter.


Liming may need to be done on a lawn that is too acidic. The lawn likes a soil with a
neutral pH. Best practice is to get a soil test to determine your soil’s makeup. We
carry a simple soil test to determine your soil’s pH. The County Extension Center provides a more in-depth soil test, for those interested, for a small fee.



Give your lawn some nourishment after a long winter’s rest. Fertilizer is either organic or chemical and each have their advantages and drawbacks. Fertilizing your tired lawn in the spring helps rejuvenate it after the winter and starts it out on a healthy track for the long hot summer days. Remember to consult your fertilizer bag (or one of us) for the correct application of your fertilizer, whether you choose to go organic or chemical.


 Spring is when that nasty crabgrass starts to rear its ugly head. Pre-emergent weed killers are used in the spring to keep crabgrass from growing in your beautiful
lawn. Once the pre-emergent weed killer has been applied you can apply some cultural practices to help keep the crabgrass from taking over.Be sure to rake your lawn before applying the pre-emergent weed killers instead of after for best success.


Mowing the lawn at the correct height is essential for the health of the lawn and it
can help prevent crabgrass seeds from germinating. What is the magic number? Mowing your lawn at 2.5 to 3.5” is the best for the health of your lawn. Those grass clippings, as long as they are not too long, are a great source of nitrogen for your lawn